We chat to Matt Flamendez this evening to find out the latest on him!
How you doing in Smilies?
Good, thanks.
What have you been doing lately in Summer Fun?
Hanging out like always.
Are you having a fun life?
Yeah, course. Love it!
What do you honestly think about Michael?
Emm he's gay (lol).
Who are the people around you that you love?
My crew of course - Sam, Ellie, Erin and Ashy(ashling).
Who's you're best mate deep inside out of all those?
Ooh... Sam Clark is! Yeah, we have a laugh lots more than with Erin.
Are you aware of everything going on around you and in argues?
Oh god yes!
Who do you get on least with in Smilies?
Neil. He's the only one that everyone in the group gets on least with. Oblivious, he is! Well..thank god he doesn't annoy me as much as everyone else. He gets on everyone else's goat though, but I still don't like him!
What's you're no.1 motto?
French kisses are NOT for Austrailian matters! (laughs)
Thankyou for the lovely chat Matt on you're friends, life, and Smilies!