Monday, March 1, 2010

Exclusive Interviews : Kane Taker

Hi Kane, how's life?
Well its good thanks.

What's it like to be in Cuties?
Its a one - n - all! I'd never leave it! (love smiles)

Who's your best friend out of it?
T'was Austin. But now...just everyone! (giggles)

How often do you all fight with one another?
Ahh we stopped that...its a pleasure ain't it?!

How long do you think you'll be in the group?
I will be in the group till' an ETERNITY, lol!

Last question, are you single or commited?
Oh im with Lita, it's a long distant relationship.

Okay thankyou very much for answering our questions for the exclusive interviews. Bye and see you soon.