Sunday, March 14, 2010

Exclusive Interviews : John Cena

Hi John, how's life?
Life's great.

What's it like to be in Smilies?
I belong here, I feel. I am so guilty for leaving it a thousand of times because of my eronic behaviour! But I got thought a lesson to never mess up again and I thought it and decided a few months ago that I will not do it again.

Who's your best friend out of it?
I have to choose Randy. We're back to being mates since I copped on and got a grip. We were best friends all our life, since day 1...or 2 maybe... I don't need to say anymore! (Blushes)

How often do you all fight with one another?
Not much but we do.

How long do you think you'll be in the group?
I might leave after a year.

Last question, are you single or commited?
Im with Maria now. She's beautiful.

Okay thankyou very much for answering our questions for the exclusive interviews. Bye and see you soon.